Monday, April 22, 2013

flower photography idea

The Fashion weeks for me are FINALLY over!! WHOOP WHOOP! I now have sixth months to recuperate.  Stage one was escaping to Kew Gardens with boyfriend,  just what this little lady needed.
Kew gardens is 121 hectares of the most beautiful gardens and incredible botanical greenhouses, with an enormous chinese pagoda and a tree top walk which is terrifying!!

We spent most our time running round the tropical greenhouse escaping the cold!

Even though it is still bloddy cold Spring is trying its very hardest....

Crocuses are one of my favourite spring flowers, the lawns surrounding The Dixon at my boarding school were always covered in Crocuses in spring LOVE.

My other favourite is the Snow Drop, so beautiful and delicate just like you Char!!

There are Peacocks hob nobbing EVERYWHERE and they are super tame, no touching but you can get pretty close!

My top was from my new favourite luxury t-shirt brand Lanuage Of Flowers started by two amazing girls Alexandra and Steph. 


 Viola,  Love At First Sight.


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