Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Barcelona - Day 2

I can't explain to you guys how beautiful the weather was on day 2. There was not a cloud in the sky, still freezing cold but this really didn't matter, it was beautiful.

We started our day with my favourite meal of the trip, we went to Merenero de la Mari it was right on the water and the food was exquisit. 
MORE anchovies....

Most beautiful plate of food I have ever seen, Shrimp Carpaccio...

Boyfriend - What would you like for main...
Me - Well lobster of course...


Boyfriends after...

Mine after, much better I think!!!

Love a good Mr Napkin head!

He was feeling romantic and brought me a rose...

Champagne Sangria, potentially the best drink EVER! Its like heaven in every mouthful, it is quite lethal too....

 I love a good ramble around a botanical garden, so we went to Park Guell and it was stunning, if you ever go to Barcelona you must go. I could have spent hours just exploring, I'm a big kid at heart.

Its a long way to the top....

But we made it and the views of Barca were unreal...

We walked back into central Barca to go and see the Sagrada Familia, the architect Gaudi is aso  behind the gothic buildings in the gardens.

This is the most impressive building I have ever seen, I was in awe. Words could never do this cathedral justice.

After all this exploring it was time for a well earner supper..

More amazing shellfish, I could seriously just live off the sea, I think i was a mermaid in my last life...

We ended our night at Eclipse, on the very top floor at the W Hotel! The cocktails were amazing and the views even more so...

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