Monday, February 18, 2013


Sorry I have been a little slow on the uploads, the weeks around Fashion Week and alway insanely manic, full of castings fittings, rehearsals MORE castings and fittings and then shows. But its all worth it. 

One of my shows this season was for Carlotta Actis Barone an amazing Italian designer now based in London. All her pieces this season were Monocrome, a HUGE change from her Spring Summer 13 Collection which was full of neons, which is a look I can not wait to live in this Summer.

First stage of fittings.....Carlotta and her team dress and fit all the girls to ensure everything suited and fits each girl. This process is insanely long, I probably tried on the whole collection about 5 times! 

All the looks starting to get paired up with their models....

We all were pinned into our final chosen looks to ensure they fitted perfectly before the show!

And so the excitement begins.....

The queue for the show was pretty full on so nerves were high....

The buzz backstage is very intense but I absolutely love it. Stage one hair...

.....they then realised I pretty much have enough hair for three people so three people were needed to try and tame my mane. The look for the hair was a 1930's finger wave for the front of our hair and then big bouncy hollywood curls for the rest.

Stage 2 you can see lots and lots of make-up is always back stage! You will never know what might happen before the show, designers often have changes of heart and everything changes....

But luckily not for this show, the lips were one of my favourite shades and looks. A very deep purple blended into a warmer red shade in the centre of the lips. This look was created using three different coloured lip liners and two shades of lipstick.

Skin was kept incredibly pale, and the look for the eyes was created using a mixture of light lilac, white and silver eyeshadows. The eyeshadow was used on the lids and a smaller amount underneath the eyes.

Stage 3 Nails, the look was a black inverted french manicure. The look was started for a very pale nude colour, a super shinny nude!

Using a very thin brush the black tips were added, the nail technition followed the shape of the fingernails to create the look.

I loved the finished look!

This drink is everywhere, and is you follow me in Instagram (bebewatson05) you will already know I think its horrific, stale water! Blugh!

My look for Carlotta....

The amount of people and production needed to put on a fashion show is enormous. Backstage is always busy and far too hot but it just adds the the excitement and the build up before the show!  

Final checks from the stylist and designer take place...

The press arrives for the backstage shots, MANIC!

I LOVE my job and when your backstage doing final checks and then the lights go down, it is the best feeling ever. The anxiety rises and the butterflies grow and then its time to walk....nothing will beat or replicate that feeling!

When I am able to find the high quality images I will upload too.....

The music for the shows was upbeat and had a 30's feel to match the hair.

Carlotta takes her well deserved applause!


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