Friday, April 19, 2013

Vogue Italia:wedding photography

This job was my first direct job for Italian Vogue and as you can imagine I was teriffied when I turned up for the shoot, but luckily the whole team were people I have worked with before so that calmed my nerves a lot.

I can not say these are my favourite pictures of myself, but I am so happy and proud of myself that I was cast for this shoot, Italian Vogue is something models dream of shooting from your first test shoot!!

It was a really beautiful warm day, but this was slightly marred by the the fact we were shooting in an around a church, something I am really not comfortable with and if I was shooting for any other client I would have voiced this. But who can say no to Vogue....

My hair was a huge french braid around the top of my head like a little crown...

Make-up was a tad on the terrifying lips, black eyes and they even darkened and thicken the eyebrows....

Here we go....the finished and chosen shots...

As I said these are not the most commercial or "pretty" shots I have done but I love them anyway.....


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