Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day


 I love the first and only day of snow to be more precise, before it gets all slushy and horrible! But I will run around in the cold until my clothes are wet through! My favourite way to enjoy the snow is with my two favourite monkeys, the lil one and my pup!

Note his socks for gloves!!! Adorable little rascal!

My pretty pup getting cold, but the snowflakes are star shaped!!

More star shaped snowflakes on my Bindi pup!

Narnia, just waiting for Mr Tumnus to make an appearance...

I have massively fallen in love with tartan this January, the Scottish in me is forcing its way out! 

My coat - ASOS
I can not find my exact scarf but here are a couple like it - Burberry - Johnstons
Trainers - Zara

After enough fun in the cold, home time for a supper made only from chocolate yum!
How did you guys enjoy the snow?

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